Services Stats
We provide over $28 million to help over 4,743 children receive subsidized child care.
85% of parents surveyed were “highly satisfied” with the family child care services they received at our Early Child Education Centers.
We have helped train over 5,000 child care providers in trauma-informed care, and 100% of the 168 providers surveyed said they would recommend the training to others.
Over 90% of Drew CDC’s customers reported being “very satisfied” with our services.
Drew CDC Publications
Drew CDC regularly publishes reports that highlight our landmark accomplishments, describe our community impact, report on the organization’s growth, and layout our vision for the future. Click below to access these publications online.
Resources to Help Your Family Thrive
No family or organization can do it all by themselves. That’s why Drew CDC has cultivated an assorted set of child development resources, agencies, and parenting educational materials so that families can always find whatever type of support they need.
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